Gift Aid
If you pay income or capital gains tax in the UK then you can Gift Aid your donation to us. This allows us to reclaim the tax element of your donation from the government.
How do you claim my Gift Aid?
If you pay income or capital gains tax in the UK then you can Gift Aid your donation to us. This allows us to reclaim the tax element of your donation from the government. (You must have paid at least the same amount in tax as we can reclaim.)
You can tick the Gift Aid box on your donations if you pay income tax on any of the following:
- the money that you earn
- the savings that you have
- the benefits or pension that you receive
Simply complete the form to tell us that you want us to claim Gift Aid on your donations. (Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.)
Alternatively, you may download the form and return it by post to:
Supporter Services
Leonard Cheshire
The News Building, 3rd Floor
3 London Bridge Street
If you have any questions about Gift Aid, please call us on 0300 124 5245 or send an email to