Our manifesto asks
Read our manifesto asks, and learn about what we want political parties in Wales to commit to in this Senedd term.
Here you will find links to our manifesto asks documents, available in Welsh and English. There are also annexes available for each ask, which give a little bit more detail about the individual asks.
The asks are also available to view in this video created by some of our supporters!
Want to get involved? Please contact our policy and campaigns officer Emma Burke on Emma.Burke@leonardcheshire.org.
The next Welsh Government has an opportunity to become a global world leader in accessibility. This is a call to arms for the next Welsh Government to make a real difference - not just to the lives of disabled people but to society as a whole. Please listen to us because #Actuallywecan! - Olivia Breen
Manifesto asks
Social care
Professionalise Wales’ social care workforce (PDF - 83KB)
Promote awareness of the existence of social care funding direct payments (PDF - 63KB)
Integration of health and social care funding (PDF - 74KB)
Make Wales accessible (PDF - 98KB)
Disability Rights
Employment and Inclusion
Write to your parliamentary candidate
Write to your parliamentary candidates and ask them to pledge their support.