
Find out our latest news stories and blogs covering the issues important to us as a charity and the disability sector as a whole.

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The power of data

Amalie Quevedo, International Project Support Officer, and Elizabeth Johnson, Research Officer, explain why we need more data to understand the challenges disabled women face when accessing healthcare services.

Why are there so few accessible LGBTQ+ venues

Being both Disabled and a member of the LGBTQIA* community brings additional challenges. Still, one of the most frustrating is the distinct lack of accessible queer spaces and venues.

Podcast: Change Makers meet 2030 and Counting

In this episode, we chatted with Jacky and Amber. They talk about their experiences campaigning for disability inclusion as Youth Reporters and compare the challenges and barriers for people with disabilities in their own countries.

12 months of campaigning

As we welcome in the new year, we wanted to thank our campaigners for their incredible support in 2021. And share just some highlights from our work together over the past year.

Nine businesses owned by disabled people

Caprice-Kwai is a 20-year-old disabled fashion student, model and jewellery designer from London. She highlights nine of her favourite businesses that are owned by disabled people.

Supporting Rose to find her passion

Rose is a disabled single mother from the Adjumani district of Northern Uganda. Thanks to our Inclusive Livelihood project, Rose is able to follow her passion.

Ten months at Leonard Cheshire

For the tenth day of Christmas, our CEO Ruth Owen looks back on her first ten months at Leonard Cheshire since she joined in February 2021.

Recognising Scovia's potential

Scovia took part in our inclusive livelihoods project in Uganda. She tells us about setting up her own salon and how she adapted during the coronavirus pandemic.

How Kanta has changed her life

Kanta is a single mother who lives in Northern Uganda. Thanks to our Inclusive Livelihoods project in Uganda, Kanta now runs a successful tailoring business.

Building up a business

Scovia took part in our inclusive livelihoods project in Uganda. She tells us about setting up her successful tailoring business.