Find out our latest news stories and blogs covering the issues important to us as a charity and the disability sector as a whole.
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Podcast: Why disabled people are turning to the Trussell Trust
On this episode, Nick speaks to Martin, who has autism and a visual impairment, about the cost of living crisis and the effect on his life.
Why I would recommend Change 100
Niamh was one of our Change 100 interns. She tells us about her experience working at Next.
My journey as a campaigner
Anil is a disability campaigner. He tells us about his journey and what he hopes to campaign on next.
Podcast: Changing perceptions of disability in South Asian Communities
On this episode, journalist Huma Shah chats to campaigner Amrit Dhaliwal about her experiences growing up as a disabled person within a South Asian community.
Disability hate crime: We need more action and justice
One blogger reflects on their experience of disability hate crime and explains why it’s so crucial for the police to have a good understanding of what constitutes as one.
Disability hate crime and what needs to change
Melissa shares her hate crime experience, where we're going wrong in society and how we can change that.
My assistance dog and me still face prejudice – why?
Zoe shares her experience of hate crime and why she thinks things to need to change.
Ways I’ve learned to cope with disability hate crime
Cassie shares her experience with hate crime and some practical advice on what to do if you are a victim.
Disability hate crime: Taking back the power
Rachel, a disability hate crime awareness campaigner, reflects on some of her experiences which led to her becoming an advocate.
Why I've started to panic about the cost of living
Amrit is one of our campaigners. She recently joined us at Downing Street to hand in our cost of living petition. She tells why the cost of living crisis is so important.
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