Partnerships and programmes

This privacy notice sets out the data processing practices carried out through the employment programme related activities of our functional area within Advocacy, Impact & Partnerships Directorate.

The purpose of processing

Leonard Cheshire works with and for disabled people to deliver impactful programmes, build meaningful relationships and create inclusive communities which enable individuals to live the life they choose.

All the activity within our functional area meets one or more of the following purposes:

  • Delivering high quality and impactful support
  • Supporting disabled people into paid employment
  • Supporting disabled people into work experience and internships
  • Managing and supporting programme alumni
  • Supporting disabled people through providing Information and Advice and Guidance
  • Supporting disabled people to learn digital skills
  • Supporting organisations to be more inclusive and accessible

What data we process

We may process the following data from recruitment and onboarding, through to post completion of the programme:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact number
  • Email address
  • Date of Birth
  • NI number
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Religious beliefs
  • Nature of your disability
  • How your disability affects your learning and/or employability
  • Adjustments required
  • Previous education and employment experience
  • Right to Work in the UK
  • Benefits you're in receipt of
  • Other services and support you receive

How we collect your data

We may collect information during our engagement with you directly and also through the following:

  •  Expressions of interest via Leonard Cheshire website
  • Programme applications
  • Passport or other identity documents (e.g. driving licence)
  • Correspondence with you via email or post
  • Telephone contact
  • Interviews, meetings or other assessments
  • Questionnaires and feedback forms

Why we need the data and what we do with it

The information we collect helps us to understand your needs in order to deliver the programme accordingly and to meet the requirements of funders.  The data processed will depend on the programme or contract being delivered.

We use your data in following ways:

  • Recruitment, including activities relating to interviewing and selecting prospective participants for enrolment onto the programme, including screening and assessment
  • To keep in touch in relation to the enrolled programme
  • To provide support and required adjustments to enable access to the programme
  • Contact with employers to arrange employment and work placements
  • Notifying applicants of further Leonard Cheshire employability programmes
  • Ongoing contact as part of our Alumni programme
  • To promote our employability programmes
  • To improve our existing provisions
  • Compliance with statutory/regulatory obligations
  • Managing any legal disputes
  • Prevention/detection of fraud, crime, or other unlawful conduct

We may share your data with the following, as required, in relation to the programme you have enrolled on:

  • Our management team, selected employer partners or contractors involved in recruitment activities
  • Our professional advisors for example solicitors and consultants, partners, suppliers and service providers
  • Funding partners
  • Accreditation providers
  • Relevant government departments
  • Police and law enforcement agencies
  • Tribunals/courts 

How long we keep the data

We will only retain your data for as long as is necessary or in accordance with legal requirements. How long we need to keep your personal data will depend on the purpose it was collected for, including to providing you with agreed services and to meet our legal and regulatory obligations.

For information on how long your data is stored please email

What are your rights?

You can find full details as to your rights in relation to data processing within the main section of the privacy policy.

For further information as to how we manage your data and for support with any rights requests, please email

Privacy notice for Change 100 applicants

Data controller: Leonard Cheshire

This Privacy Notice covers how person identifiable data of Change 100 applicants is used and how you can exercise your rights in relation to the data held by us.
This document applies to all applicants and is in line with the UK GDPR and other relevant data protection regulations.

1. Person identifiable data we hold about you
We obtain personal data relating to job applicants including, but not limited to:

name, address, and other contact details including email address and telephone number

information about educational details, skills and experience and any other information provided within supporting statements

details of training, qualifications

race, ethnicity, community background (NI only), sexual orientation, religion, disabilities and reasonable adjustment requirements

cautions, reprimands, warnings, pending criminal charges and criminal convictions, along with any reasons why you would be excluded from working with children and/or vulnerable adults

communications, correspondence, applications and interview notes

information contained within right to work documents

2. How long we hold your data
Your data will be held in line with our Retention Schedule. If you are successful with your application, your data will be stored in line with the UK Programmes Privacy Notice which is available on our Leonard Cheshire website.

3. How we collect your data
We may collect this data in a variety of ways and information may be collected from:

Expression of interest for Change 100

Online application form, including any shared documents such as a CV

Passport or other identity documents (e.g. driving licence)

Correspondence with you via email or post

Interviews, meetings or other assessments

Telephone contact

4. How we use your data
We and our trusted third parties will require use of the data for a variety of purposes.
These include, but are not limited to:

Recruitment, including activities relating to interviewing and selecting prospective interns, screening and assessment

Notifying applicants of further Leonard Cheshire employability programmes
Privacy Notice for Change 100 Applicants Last Updated August 2024

Compliance with statutory/regulatory obligations

Managing any legal disputes

Prevention/detection of fraud, crime, or other unlawful conduct

5. Who we share your data with
Your personal data where necessary and lawful, will be shared with:

Our management team, selected employer partners or contractors involved in recruitment activities

Our professional advisors for example solicitors and consultants, partners, service providers


Relevant government departments

Police and law enforcement agencies


6. Your rights
You have a number of statutory rights under the Regulation, including the right to request that we:

Correct inaccurate information;

Delete information which we do not have a legitimate basis to hold

Provide you with a copy of your personal data held.

Restrict the processing of data relating to you (in certain circumstances)

Object to processing (in certain circumstances)
Detailed information on your rights can be found on the website maintained by the Information Commissioner’s Office at
If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, email

8. Complaints
You have the right to lodge a complaint with either our Data Protection Officer or directly with the Information Commissioner’s Office if you are unhappy about the way your personal data has been handled by us.

Data Protection Officer (for privacy enquiries and rights)
Leonard Cheshire
The News Building
3rd Floor
3 London Bridge Street
For contact with the ICO please visit
For advice on this policy, please contact our Information Governance team at

Our privacy notices